It came quite as a shock…

… nein, eher als schöne Überraschung, dass in dem kursinternen Wettbewerb unseres Englisch Grundkurses diese interessante Kurzgeschichte zum Thema „shock“ entstand, ganz nebenbei und ohne großen Vorlauf. Da es gerade solche „kleinen“ Dinge sind, die den Schulalltag ungemein verschönern – auf jeden Fall für die Lehrkräfte  –  soll die Geschichte auch außerhalb des Englisch Fachraumes gewürdigt werden und wird deshalb hier abgedruckt: Vielen Dank an Melis Balimuhac!

The unknown picture

I wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. For a month I haven’t been able to sleep properly, not since my mother died. She suffered a crippling stroke. It was a sudden death.

I check the time. It is 2.23 am. .  I have received a text message from my best friend Demi. She asks whether I am still awake. She knows that I suffer from insomnia. So I ask her if we could do something to find distraction. I put some clothes on and walk along the hall, past my grandmother’s room. She takes care of me. She looks exhausted. I sneak into her room to kiss her on the cheek. As I go downstairs I read another message from Demi in which she suggests going to a disco with Alice.  I hesitate. Should I leave my grandma alone? What if she wakes up and gets scared because I am not home? Maybe I should leave a message for her. As I feel the cold air on my skin I notice that I am already outside. So I open the car and get into it. I sit down and relax for a moment, I put the Key in the ignition and start the motor.

I pick Demi and Alice up at the corner. Alice asks how I am doing. I say I am fine. There and then a deep silence falls. They know I am lying.

As we arrive at the disco loud music comes out.  We enter the disco and order some alcoholic drinks. Suddenly I regret my decision. I feel guilty. My mother was always against parties and alcohol. She met my father in a disco. But after she conceived he left her alone with me.

Demi put me on the dance floor. Maybe she saw that I am thinking too much. Actually I don’t want to dance but I also want to find distraction. So I start to dance. We jump and laugh and don’t care about what other people think. We have fun. I even forget my feelings of guilt.

After that I bring them home and thank them for having fun. I drive home and hope that my grandmother is still sleeping. I get out of the car and I am relieved because the lights are still out. Suddenly I get an unpleasant feeling. Something leads me to the boot of the car. I open it and rub my eyes in disbelief. There is a picture of my mother, a man and me as a child. We look very happy and peaceful. I take the picture. My hands tremble so that the picture drops to the floor. Something is written on the backside: “Your father”……

Author: Melis Balimuhac

… and stories once again:

Auch in einem Englisch Grundkurs sind tolle Kisten entstanden bei dem Projekt „Book in a Box“ und die gegenseitige Begutachtung fand sehr interessiert und konzentriert statt. Die gelesenen Bücher werden nunmehr mit Hilfe der „Bücherkisten“ vorgestellt und auch hier ist die Spannung groß und Einfallsreichtum gefragt.